Monday, July 17, 2006

weightless as hair dust...

有人在專欄引Franz Wright:



Franz Wright

Gray little clumps weightless as hair dust what is it
Forty years later
utterly unrecognizable
save for our eyes
that is, were we to meet--

were we to meet...

Friday, July 7, 2006

and thus


Thursday, July 6, 2006


An Everlasting Once
Theodore Weiss

Suppose your whole life
you went your way, belonging
to no place, no school, using
your wits to gainsay every trace
of influence or imitation, wiping
out anything that reminded you
of anything.
You knew how
browbeating memory, the rule
of the past, can be, how easily
it thrives in wiping out the new
since seen for the first time
So you kept yourself
to yourself, doing only chores
you had to to survive.
Unknown to anyone--almost,
for its engrossment, to yourself--
you gave yourself to your work.

With you gone they found it
something unspeakably, if not
unbearably, your own. No matter
how they tried they could not
digest it into a name, a scheme,
an explanation.
Except for this
they might not have been sure
you'd lived at all. But this,
unblinking, brutal in its
authority, made it impossible
for them to deny it or to call
you a minor this, a crazy that,
eccentric at best for his battle,
rejecting the main stream.
might turn away; they could not
altogether still the whispering
fear that, after all, that stream,
notwithstanding its deflections,
its passages long underground,
had gone this way. Daily now
the stream grows louder.


Tuesday, July 4, 2006

繼續 Edson

Russell Edson

When there is no shape there is round. Round has no shape; no more than a raindrop or a human tear...
And though the organs that focus the world are round, we have never been happy with roundness; how it allows no man to rest. For in roundness there is no place to stop, since all places in roundness are the same.
Thus the itch to square something. To make a box. To find proportion in a golden mean...

Monday, July 3, 2006

七一又過 >> celebrating July 4th >> 一元復始 >> 一石二鳥

Russell Edson

After urinating I was ready for anything. I said, fella, you name it.
Of course I was speaking to myself. I call myself fella to keep a professional distance. If I used my actual name I might implode into subjectivity.
So I said, hey guy, what are you up to?
I sometimes call myself guy for the same reason I call myself fella.

So, after sitting for some hours with my head in my hands, I was ready to urinate again. And so I did, and felt ready again for anything.
But what?

And so I drank several more quarts of water and sat there even as fella and guy snored quietly in my bed ...