Rain by Seamus (grade 2)
Once there was a lot of rain
that came pouring down - what a pain!
It never stopped - rained day and night
people stayed inside until sunlight!
Walls by Ana (aged 13)
So we all just
and go on with life.
Sometimes it seems
the walls talk more than we do
they scream and yell
while we silently cover our ears.
I Like the Thought of a Dog by Julieta (aged 7)
I like the thought of a dog,
Black, white and spotted
I like the thought of a dog,
with a wiggly waggly tail
I like the thought of a dog,
with a cheeky grin on his face and
cuddly-wuddly and snugly
The Falling Star by Oneeb bin Nauman (aged 7)
Last night, a little star
Fell from the sky
While looking at the
The world
With his bright eyes,
It landed on a roof,
That was slippery,
Lost control
And headed down
The moon rushed to his rescue
With a frown,
Caught him just in time
And took him to the sky
Little Star
Now take care and do not fall.
You're Dreaming by Aimee Fox (aged 6)
You dream your life.
You seem to know that you're dreaming
that snow is falling over you.
I know you will come back soon,
take your time,
because you're dreaming.
Time by Sarah B. Bernardo (aged 8)
Time is slow and untamed
Or it gets you framed.
Without a moment to think
As your spirit sinks.
You whirl into an illusion of time
As you try to work or rhyme
The way I'm doing now
While I ask the question "How?"
Time passes as you roll a die
Or tell a lie.
Sometimes, time is good
When your birthday turns out as it should.
But, sometimes time is bad
When your father dies when you were a lad
It's very sad.
But without time
You wouldn't be here.
So, don't fear.