Wednesday, June 17, 2009

read nonsense

由是知道要反方向飛行,搵d 癲野沖喜下。
Edward Lear 的 Nonsense Rhymes and Pictures 是疏肝潤肺,這日更發現,我們大大香港,早於1872年在Lear 老人家筆下出現——

There was an old man of Hong Kong,
Who never did anything wrong;
He lay on his back,
With his head in a sack,
That innocuous old man of Hong Kong.

How he would know there's such an old man?

The Seven young Parrots had not gone far, when they saw a tree with a single Cherry on it, which the oldest Parrot picked instantly, but the other six, being extremely hungry, tried to get it also. On which all the Seven began to fight, and they scuffled, and huffled, and ruffled and shuffled, and puffled, and muffled and buffled, and duffled, and fluffled, and guffled, and bruffled, and screamed, and shrieked, and squealed, and squeaked, and clawed, and snapped, and bit, and bumped, and thumped, and dumped, and flumped each other, till they were all torn into little bits, and at last there was nothing left to record this painful incident, except the Cherry and seven small green feathers.

字詞直如鳥之起躍紛飛,playful, dynamic, expressive ...

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