Monday, April 5, 2010

遇見1976 的 cat stevens

星期日下午,上網睇報紙,耳仔聽楊鐵樑教英文,是少數唔駛聽幾句就忍唔住d 噪音、要跳起身轉台電台節目,前大法官說文解字之間有oldies 作過場,未必是楊官親自選曲,歌都老而好——she walks alone from wall to wall, lost in a hall... 乜歌黎?歌詞不怎麼樣,the ears are somehow tuned——Cat Stevens.
手痕,click 兩下竟然就流落YouTube 整個黃昏。Sad Lisa ——有緣今日,一搵就撞到這 Earth Tour 1976 演唱版,而歌者唱歌之前的幾句話,又比歌詞更affectionate.
如是,如此,這個星期日黃昏,聽左好多Cat Stevens.

Sad Lisa - on his Earth Tour 1976

She hangs her head and cries in my shirt,
she must be hurt very badly,
Tell me what's making you sadly.
Open your door, don't hide in the dark,
you're lost in the dark, you can trust me,
'cause you know that's how it must be,

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.
Her eyes like windows,
tricklin' rain upon her pain, getting deeper
though my love wants to relieve her.
She walks alone from wall to wall, lost in a hall,
she can't hear me, though I know she likes to be near me,

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.
She sits in a corner by the door.
There must be more I can tell her.
If she really wants me to help her,
I'll do what I can to show her the way,
and maybe one day I will free her,
'though I know no one can see her.

Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa,
Lisa Lisa, sad Lisa Lisa.

(而1976 年的天空一定曾經非常廣闊明亮,生活充滿無盡可能,唔記得自己有聽過幾多Cat Stevens; should there be a sad Lisa, she must be one of the many many sad sad souls...
聽了半天舊歌才恍恍然覺察,1977 年,如日方中的Cat Stevens 放下他的音樂,改名Yusuf Islam,投入穆斯林社群——像我這樣的後知後覺聽眾,成日在無聲之音中夢遊,對這許多,歌者與歌,到底聽見些什麼?)


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